Class Responsibilities and Consequences

Student Responsibilities
~Listen when your teacher is talking
~Follow directions quickly
~Keep your hands and feet to yourself
~Raise your hand to speak or stand
~Be safe, Be kind, Be honest
~Stay on-task
Wilson's Essential 10
1. Respond to adults with "ma'am and sir".
2. Make eye contact when someone is speaking.
3. Greet visitors and make them feel welcome.
4. If you win, do not brag; if you lose, do not show anger.
5. Learn from your mistakes and move on. 
6. No matter what the circumstances, always be honest. 
7. Be the best person you can be. 
8. Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness. 
9. Respect other students' comments, opinions, and ideas. 
10. Be positive and enjoy life. 

Student Consequences
~Verbal warning
~Breathe and think spot (loss of 1 dojo point)
~Written note home (loss of 2 dojo points)
~Parent Contact (loss of 3 dojo points)
~Principal's office (loss of all dojo points)

To promote positive behavior, I will be using class dojo. Each student will be given a dojo. With this dojo they can earn or lose points (I like to give more than take away). This program also allows parents to log in and see how their child is doing with points for the day. Students will receive a dojo point for each positive behavior I see (such as cleaning up, helping out a friend, etc.). At the end of each week students can cash in their points for prizes. There will be a different prize for different amounts of points. 

DOJO Point Rewards
5 Points ~ Sticker
10 Points ~ Cool Pencil
15 Points ~ Treasure Box Visit
20 Points ~ Bring a stuffed animal to sit on your desk
25 Points ~ Bring a Show and Tell item from home
30 Points ~ Change avatar
35 Points ~ Sit by a friend for the day
40 Points ~ Sit at the special desk for the day
45 Points ~ Be the teacher helper for the day
50 Points ~ Any Reward